Michael lavaughn robinson on 1/17/64 chicago ! I’ve reposted his originMichelle was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson and was a football player in both high school (photo below) ... “Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. “Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. For the past three months, Fruitland Police, state law enforcement officials and the community have ti Apparemment Michelle Obama est né un homme biologique nommé Michael LaVaughn Robinson puis il a changé son nom en Michelle à 12 ans, Barack Obama a qualifié Michelle de «Michael» à deux reacquiss à la télévision nationale couci-couça vous le verrez à cause le documentaire intégré ci-dessous, et Michelle l’a dit à cause une interview: Michael Lavaughn Robinson 1964 - aunitedkingdomfilm.com charlotte roberts stylist; … Fraser … “Michelle Obama is a transsexual and the First Dude of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. The Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery will extend “The Obama Portraits Tour” through October. Barak Obama has been outed as a homosexual by Gary Sinclair and three other people. … michael lavaughn robinson Michelle Obama wurde am 17. Obama: Family She is Barack Obama's wife, and was the first African-American first lady. Obama Her … Michael Lavaughn Robinson and Other Conspiracy Theories. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was … Michelle Obama was born a MALE ? - It's a Conspiracy! - Neowin

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